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    July 13, 2018
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FORT COUNTY OF FORTY MILE NO. 8 Box 160, Foremost, Alberta TOK O XO Phone: 403-867-3530 0.8 Development Permits Permits are here for your protection. They're the result of years of experience and feedback from you, our Residents Applying for a development permit heips to ensure that your development wil meet the requirements of the Land Use Bylaw. Permits also ensure what is being built is safe, and that the use is consistent with the context of your area Help us keep your famly, fiends and neighbors safe by applying for a pemit where one is required According to Section 12 of the Land Use Bylaw, no development can occur without a permit 12 (t) Subject to Section 18 no development shaW be undertaken within the County of Forty Mile No. 8 DEVELOPMENT REQUIRING A PERMIT. unless a Development Permit has been obtained from the Development oficer o Municipal Planning Commission This includes: .Any Grain Bin on a permanent cement foundation Irrigation pivots Recreational Vehicles and Trallers in Recreational Districts As noted above, Section 18 of the Byiw provides that some types of development does not require a development permit provided that t meets the required setback distance of 40 metres or 130 feet trom the centre of any township road, range road or undeveloped road allowance and are not located within the Clear Vision Triangle 100 metres n each direction, from an intersection. Someemptions include: Haystacks and feed storage . Portable granaries and grain bags Permanent farm buidings under 45 square metres (500 square feet) County staff are willing to meet with you for a pre-development meeting to review your project in the eary planning stages. For infomnation on development including setbacks from roads and property ines in the County or to arrange for a meeting, please contact the Dovelopment Oice Nathan Ogden at 403-867-3530. Administration Office Hours January 3 to March 31 April 3 to October 27 October 30 to December 31 8:30 A M 11:45 A. M. and 12:45 P M.-4:30 P. M. 8:00 A M. 12:00 P M. and 12:45 M.-4:30 P. M 8:30 A M. 11:45 A. M. and 12:45 P M.- 4:30 P M. Box 160, Foremost, Alberta TOK 0XO Public Works Shop Hours November 1 to March 31 April 1 to October 31 8:00 A M. to 4:30 P M. 7:00 A M. to 5:00 P M. January to December 7:00 A. M.-4:30 P M. Fridays: 7:00 A. M. 1:00 P. M Emergency Contact Numbers Dale Brown, County Administrator Keith Bodin, Associate County Administrator(403) 647-7316 Wes Hollingsworth, Municipal Supervisor Bill Nicoll, Assistant Municipal Supervisor Scott Heck, Maintenance Foreman/ (403) 647-6351 (403) 647-7786 (403) 647-7873 (403) 647-7315 Utilities Foreman Utilities Manager County Fire Chief Stewart Payne, Municipal Enforcement Officer(403) 647-7674 Dustin McGarry, Protective Services Officer / Dave Matz, Agricultural Fieldman Darrell Van Arragon, Park Manager / Assistant Agricultural Fieldman (403) 647-7675 (403) 647-8080 (403) 647-7210